
Local Businesses – We need your expertise!
At St Ives School we believe that working together as a community is essential to raising aspirations and providing opportunities for our students. We require your help to develop their employability skills, aspirations and to learn more about the local labour market.
Inspire Young Minds
Having employers like you help to inspire students at St Ives School and transform their views of careers and opportunities available to them in the local area and further afield. Employer support is the foundation of an excellent careers programme within schools as outlined in the Gatsby Foundations eight Benchmarks https://www.careershubcios.co.uk/schools-colleges/gatsbybenchmarks/ St Ives School has two, excellent Enterprise Advisers (EA) who contribute to the school careers programme. The role of an Enterprise Adviser is nationally recognised and they are part of the Cornwall Careers Hub community. The aim of the Enterprise Adviser is to develop a connection between schools and businesses. Our Current EA is Rowena Swallow and she would be delighted to have a chat with you about getting involved in our programme of activity.
 Ways that you could support:
  • Mock interviews for our year 11 students
  • Get involved in extra-curricular clubs and trips
  • Give inspirational talks within subject areas
  • Run workshops which promote your area of employment
  • Be part of our discussions about career pathways e.g. apprenticeships
  • Help bring a subject to life by linking to your industry
  • Offer a work experience placement within your business
  • Offer site visits to groups of students so they can learn more about your industry
  • Take part in careers speed networking events
  • Take part in ‘I Love My Job’ sessions
What to Expect
By getting involved you are not only supporting the future workforce but you will be helping to broaden students’ minds. You will also be helping to develop young people’s skills and forging links between the school and the community.
Our Careers Leader is R Wilson and she will be your main point of contact for:
  • All enquiries
  • Organising meetings/ pre-meets/ discussions
  • Provide details of parking, facilities and local amenities
  • Provide the school safeguarding policy
  • Evaluating the events you take part in