Our Work Experience Scheme will take place for one week from Monday 8th to Friday 12th July 2024. All Year 10 students will take part in the programme to gain an insight into the real world of work and to learn transferrable skills for future employment. From previous students’ experiences, we know how valuable the week is to raise their aspirations and clarify their career goals for the future. The work placement week is highly motivating and many students return to school with greater commitment to their studies as a result of their experiences.
How it works.
Students take responsibility for organising their own placement; support from parents/carers is invaluable, especially in discussing the type of placement that would be suitable for your child. Students have access to additional support from a guidance booklet, form tutors and VERYAN, a database of employers previously used for Work Experience. VERYAN can be accessed online at http://cornwall.learnaboutwork.net/ or via a link on this page along with a personal pin that is provided to all students.
What can I expect from the programme?
Every work experience placement is different; the purpose is to give young people an insight into the world of work and learn transferable skills for future employment. Students will have a series of assemblies delivered to support the programme, learn how to write a formal letter of application and complete a CV which can then be used for future employment, take part in a Health and Safety at Work briefing to ensure their safety whilst in the workplace and attend a formal interview.
How do I apply?
Find an employer that you are interested in, make sure the location is suitable and that you are able to get there using public transport or via a lift. Remember that transport costs are not covered by the school so please take this into account when choosing a placement. When you have found an employer contact them either by telephone or email to request a placement. When you have secured a placement the employer must complete section 2 of the Approval and Consent form and return it to school.
Where can I do my Work Experience?
There are laws and regulations outlining what young people cannot do on work experience. Placements must be based in England or Wales and cannot include placements in a scrap yard, recycling centre, working at height, tattoo studio, gambling establishment, cinema or nightclub, bar, travelling fairground or circus or on board a registered boat or ship.
What do I wear?
Students must dress appropriately for their work placement and in a manner that upholds the high expectations of parents, the school and the employer. If you are unaware of the expectations please see Mrs Clemson.
Important dates to remember:
Work Experience Week: Monday 8th – Friday 12th July 2024
Deadline for securing a placement: Monday 18th March 2024
Work Experience Interview Evening: Thursday 23th May 2024
Health & Safety at Work presentation: Tuesday 4th June 2024